Wednesday 1 July 2015

BBC PowerPoint for Fran Unsworth's Visit

How well known do you think the BBC brand is?

Do you think the BBC will be based in other countries in the futures?

Is it the best place you've ever worked for?

Do you think BBC online will expand and overtake television in the future?

How many more years would you like to work for the bbc?

The BBC Trust has come to terms with the corporation’s plans to scrap the BBC3 TV channel and make it online-only in a move set to save the corporation £30m a year, while disappointing hundreds of stars and producers who fought against the channel’s closure. In a shock to the corporation, the trust rejected another proposal to launch a new BBC1+1 channel in place of BBC3 because of its likely impact on commercial rivals including ITV and Channel 5.

Hundreds of jobs are expected to be axed by the BBC as it tries to become “leaner and simpler” at a time when it is facing a £150m-a-year shortfall in funding and growing political pressure from the Conservative government.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Media magazine task- The influence of the media on audience lifestyles (e.g. behaviour, class, sexuality etc.)

The films of Sacha Baron Cohen who is an actor and has starred in films such as Borat and the dictator, seems to have a slightly more positive representation of homosexuality. In the films they often behave in a contradictory way, suggesting a latent homosexuality in their characters. 


As the digital landscape has developed audiences relationships with institutions have continued to change. Audiences now have more freedom to access media products when they choose, rather than when they are told. Mobile technology allow audiences to carry TV programmes, films, music. 

Representation of women:

Susan Boyle: the impact of the sudden fame on a ‘simple woman from Scotland’ was discussed and her physical appearance and its changes became a story in itself. The story built to the climax that was the TV programme’s final. The most common positive representations of women, in today’s media are as being thin, young and attractive. Despite the recent ‘Size 0’ debates, the idealised physical image of women is still very narrow and often a woman’s accomplishments are secondary to her physical appearance.

Jade goody:Jade was vilified by the tabloid press and despised for being  fat’, ‘ugly’ and ‘thick’. Despite not winning Big Brother, she went on to be the most successful ex-house mate in terms of her public profile and earnings. She became a regular fixture in magazines such as heat, OK! and Now! and was the subject of fly-on-the-wall documentaries which consolidated her fame. At the height of this time of positive representations she followed the lead of other celebrity ‘brands’ and a perfume was released under her name

Friday 19 June 2015

To what extent do the female characters in 'The Dark Knight Rises' and 'SALT' challenge traditional female stereotypes

The traditional female stereotypes consist of women being house wives and serving men and they are also seen as sex symbols in media, this relates to Mulveys theory of the male gaze, however in contrast to this in modern times, woman are now also being portrayed as leaders and heroes as well as males.The female characters in these two movies are almost the opposite of traditional female stereotypes but not completely as they still have feminine traits to them, such as how they dress.  This can again be linked to Mulvey's male gaze theory, this is because even though they are in a position of power they are still portrayed as sexy and feminine to engage a male audience and make it seem as though the stereotypes are being phased out of traditional film.
In SALT the female character is the main protagonist in the film which means that she has the most control or power in the movie. Also in The Dark Knight Rises the female is almost in competition with the protagonist  who is Batman by almost killing him at the end of the movie and she is also the villain in the movie but at the same time their is a sexual attraction between her and batman relating to Propp's character types.